Friday, August 31, 2012

Watercolor and McDonald's Fries

Mcdonald's fries are not gluten free!!! There is wheat in the fries, or what they coat them....arrg.  Just happened to find out while searching for gluten free restaurants.  So that explains why last week my mouth was sore, thought it was my sinuses because of the pain.  Not good, also, there is beef in the coating too.  What happened to just potato fries.

Anyway, I have been working on some vintage flower illustrations and turning them into watercolor paintings.  I they turned out cute...

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

More designs!

I am self taught in just about everything. I hope the more designs I work on the better they get. I like to learn as I go and find it works for me. I think I need some more practice in working with vintage graphics that are composed of lots of colors, getting them ready and resolution ready for large items is tough at this point. I will figure it out!

Ok on to butterflies, bees and crabs...

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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Change is Coming...

Nothing stays the same, life evolves and has majorly for me. Bad things and good things and now I am at a point of a fresh start to my life.  Sometime in the future I may elaborate on that, but right now....

I plan on making weekly posts of my new designs.  I want to make some routines in my life and art has been something that has naturally been a part of me and hope my creativity brings joy to others. I have been designing and posting new products since my last post over a year ago. Here are a few.