Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Keeping my eye on the prize...

I am working hard on more designs, got a crop of vintage images to go through. That is when I am able. My goal is not to make a living on Zazzle but enough to make a difference when I find a job. I did not go to college and haven't worked outside the home since 2001. 10 years has just flown by. 7 of those years I was very ill and then getting a diagnosis of Celiac I am 1 million percent better but life/technology/employment has changed dramatically. Of course me being a super shy person makes it a challenge to find the right job and being a mother has me conflicted also.

Here is a cool butterfly design. I have a bunch to digitize. I love butterflies!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Nose to the keyboard....

Been working on digitizing more designs, as well as some other internet ventures. I need to get a car....soon! Maybe I should "Sail a Way, Sail a Way, Sail a Way..."

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Wow, what a turn of events!

So I am looking for a job. Hoping my internet ventures take off enough that I can work part time. I don't know what the future holds for me. I wanted to be a stay at home mom but with a sudden separation from my husband, stability and financial independence is now my top priority.

Any way, on a good note, I won another award!! This is a cute vintage woodcut I worked on to get just right. So happy and it gives me confidence in my work.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Life sure changes fast.

Just when you think you have your life planned out, BAM, life does a complete 180 and you're left stunned and scrambling to pick up the pieces. I hope my internet adventures work out, just to ease the burden of being on my own. I do love working with vintage images and tweaking them into something special. I also joined Amazon Turk and do small internet based tasks for a few dollars here and there.

I'll stop "Horsing" Around and get to my latest upload....

Friday, April 29, 2011

Busy busy...

Well since last Friday I have on the go, patched, primed and painted my kitchen wainscot tile, from the 1950's and really, really dated. I am pumped because the kitchen is almost done, finished and did I mention done. Trimmed and cut and pruned most of the yard. Cleaned out the car, which was needed a year ago!

Cooking Eggs tie
Cooking Eggs by Kinder_Kleider
Sell art online at Zazzle.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I won an Award!!!

I was awarded the "Today's Best Award" on zazzle.com. I am excited! Thank you for all the kind comments and here is the design...
Vintage Rooster Folk Art apron
Vintage Rooster Folk Art by Kinder_Kleider
Many more aprons available at zazzle.com

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


If you don't have Milkweed in your garden then get some. I have quite a few plants that I let grow every year. Monarch Butterflies love Milkweed and show up every year to my yard. I even got to watch a cocoon hatch and a beautiful Monarch come out!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Working with vintage images

Sometimes it is hard to rework an image so it looks good as a large poster or large print on a shirt. I am still experimenting with different techniques but not totally happy yet with the results on some more detailed images. Guess more trial and error in store for me.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Having Celiac Disease during Easter is no fun...

Both my son and I have Celiac as well as my father. It is so hard to find chocolate bunnies for Easter. I found jelly beans, peanut butter M&M's and then comes the Muskateer's marshmallow bites. I tried the marshmallow bites yesterday too make sure they tasted ok for my son's easter basket. The ingredients looked gluten free but no, boy what a night. Luckily I tried them before giving to my son. That would be a bad thing on Easter. Any way I got some more stuff uploaded. Busy, busy!

Colored Pencils shirt
Colored Pencils by Kinder_Kleider
Browse zazzle for a different t-shirt.zazzle

Thursday, April 14, 2011

I love dogs!

Love, Love dogs! I love finding vintage illustrations of animals. They are so fun to work with!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Where does the time go?

So I have been working on new designs, like forever, and rarely get time to finish a project in one sitting. Especially when you have an energetic 2 year old, cats making trouble, a dog who's bark can rattle your soul and a computer that likes to freeze at the most critical moments. Not to mention being sleep deprived. Before I know it the day has gone!

Typewriter shirt
Typewriter by Kinder_Kleider
Become a shirt affiliate at zazzle.com

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

So what happen to Spring...

It was nice and in the mid 60's but yesterday is struggled in the mid 40's. Today will be in the mid 50's so a walk is in order. My daffodils have not bloomed yet so I got some flowers of my own listed on my site!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Another nice day even if no sun...

It was a gorgeous day for a walk and I took full advantage of it. I also did some artwork and designing too, so I didn't slack off much.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Spring is finally here!

Yea! It is above 50 degrees. Finally! Enjoyed the past two days and didn't work on any designs but got a few uploaded. Wondering if I need to change my style of artwork? I don't know.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sunny and 50 degrees outside!!!

Won't last, storm coming tonight with snow but was able to get a 5 mile walk in with the baby and dog!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Busy Day

Just getting a chance to sit down. So many appointments today and more tomorrow. Not much time for artwork today...hopefully tomorrow!

Monday, March 28, 2011

What a lovely Monday!

I like Mondays, even if it is cold and I am still sick. Got lots of sunshine coming through the windows and lots of ideas for artwork.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Still got my cold....

and it is brisk outside even though it is super sunny. Flowers are a sure pick me up!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

More Snow on the Way....

2 to 8 inches more of snow through tonight. I am imagining the sounds of bees buzzing by as I relax with some ice tea in the warm summer sun....ahhh


It snowed 6 inches last night!!! More on the way tonight. I so want warm weather to arrive soon...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Happy Birthday to ME!

It is my birthday! The big 35! Cheers to new beginnings and a long life of happiness.

Sunday, March 20, 2011